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- Power Packer 2.3b User Manual
- Sep 14, 1989
- Preface
- =======
- Congratulations, you have just obtained a copy of PowerPacker 2.3b,
- PowerPeak's command and data cruncher for the Amiga. If you have suggestions
- or remarks about this program, or if you find any bugs, please let me know.
- This version of PowerPacker is shareware, this means that if you use it
- a lot I would appreciate it if you'd send me a contribution of $10 US or the
- same amount in any other currency. This money will enable me to produce more
- programs on the Amiga. If you send $15 US ($20 US overseas) I will send you
- the latest version of PowerPacker. Please send money by international money
- order, EuroCheck (in Belgian Francs (BF) !!!!!) or cash, it's difficult for
- me to cash in other checks. If you send for an update please state your
- current version, if there is no higher version at the time I get your letter
- I won't reply until I finish the next version, so don't be alarmed if it
- takes a while !
- If you want to use PowerPacker for commercial purposes you need written
- permission.
- Write to the following address:
- Nico Franτois
- Corbielaan 13
- 3060 Bertem BELGIUM
- Contents
- ========
- 1. The Packer
- 1.1 An introduction
- 1.2 The file requester
- 1.3 The basic menus
- 1.3.1 Project
- 1.3.2 Prefs
- 1.3.3 Crypt
- 2. Recrunch
- 2.1 How ?
- 2.2 Why ?
- 3. The HunkLab
- 3.1 Preferences
- 3.2 Process file
- 4. The Script Menu
- 5. The Supervisor Window
- 6. A Sample Session
- 7. PowerPacker 2.3b & the CLI
- 8. PowerPacker 2.3b & other programs
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 The function
- 8.3 Loading encrypted files
- 8.4 Compiling and linking
- 8.4 An example
- 1. The Packer
- -------------
- 1.1 An introduction
- PowerPacker is a userfriendly command and data cruncher, this means a
- menu driven utility that can crunch almost any file on your disks. It can be
- started from the CLI or the WorkBench, just type it's name in the CLI window
- or doubleclick it's icon. PowerPacker will detach itself from the CLI so you
- can close the CLI window. When you use it for the first time it's best to
- maintain a certain order in your actions (as we will see in chapter 6 of this
- document):
- (a) Check the packer options at the beginning of a session (Prefs menu)
- (b) Load the file from disk (Project menu)
- (c) Wait for the file to (de)crunch.
- (d) Save the file back to disk (Project menu)
- Apart from crunching, you can also recrunch files that were crunched by
- most other crunchers.
- The HunkLab enables you to e.g. force code or data in chip ram.
- The script allows you to e.g. crunch a dozen of files overnight.
- Before I demonstrate how to use PowerPacker, let's look at the file
- requester and a brief overview of the menus and capabilities.
- 1.2 The file requester
- Whenever you are required to enter a filename, the packer sets up a file
- requester. This requester automatically contains all devices connected to
- your Amiga and lists all the files (and their length) of a selected
- directory. You don't have to wait for the directory read to end. You can
- select a file or directory the moment you see it, or you can enter it in the
- appropriate string gadget.
- However, if you wait for the directory read to end and quit the file
- requester, the next time you use it all the files will still be there, so you
- don't have to wait for the directory to be read again (This is very useful
- when you are recording a script, as you'll see later). This feature has one
- disadvantage : if files are changed or added to the selected directory they
- won't be shown in the list, or they will be shown with the wrong filelength,
- the next time the requester appears. Therefore, if you think anything has
- been changed to the selected directory, use the 'GET DIR' gadget to re-read
- the directory. (E.g. when you save a crunched file on top of the old one,
- the old file length will be shown in the requester.)
- When the 'Sort Files' switch in the prefs menu is checked the files will
- be alphabetically sorted in the requester. This switch is present because
- some people don't like the files being sorted and jumping up and down the
- requester, they think it's annoying to try and catch the file you want. (and
- they are right of course :-)
- 1.3 The basic menus
- 1.3.1 Project
- The project menu contains the file manipulation options. Most of them
- speak for themselves:
- Load -> Load a file from disk and start the (de)crunching.
- Save -> Save the (de)crunched or processed file in memory to disk.
- Delete -> Delete a file from disk.
- WorkBench -> Open or close WorkBench if possible. (Adds 42K !)
- Sleep -> Put PowerPacker to sleep on the WorkBench Screen, this
- frees 40-50K.
- WARNING: All buffers will be deallocated, so you are advised
- to save things first.
- About... -> Show general information and my address.
- Quit -> Quit the program.
- 1.3.2 Prefs
- The prefs menu contains all the (de)cruncher settings. You can select
- to (de)crunch command files or a data files. If you want the crunched
- version of your file to be executable, select 'Command file'. Now
- PowerPacker knows it has to add a decrunch header (572 bytes). If the file
- you want to crunch only contains data (e.g. source codes of your programs),
- select the 'Data file' option. This can be handy if you're going to use the
- PowerPacker CLI commands. I'll discuss these commands in chapter 7 of this
- document. Finally you have to choose whether you want to crunch or decrunch
- the load file.
- NOTE: - PowerPacker will automatically decrunch a previously crunched
- file. You don't have to select crunch or decrunch mode anymore as
- in PowerPacker 2.0a.
- The 'Decrunch Color' submenu contains the following options :
- Color 0 -> The background color will change while decrunching
- Color 1 -> The text color changes
- Pointer -> Only the mousepointer's color changes
- Scroll -> Handy for decrunching a demo (just try it out !)
- None -> If your eyes are wearing out.
- These options indicate what color will flash when a file is decrunched.
- You can change this option before saving a crunched file, so you can save a
- version of your crunched program that flashes in color 1, and one that
- flashes in the mouse pointer. The default value is 'Pointer'.
- In the efficiency submenu you will find the following possibilities :
- Fast -> Use for small files, or for quick crunch.
- Mediocre -> Better but slower.
- Good -> Default, gains 40-50% in most cases.
- Very Good -> Also very slow !
- Best -> Advised for script use only, ultra slow !!!
- NOTE: - 'Fast' is approx. 4 times faster than 'Good', 'Very Good' is
- 2 times slower and 'Best' 4 times.
- - 'Best' isn't always the best. Small files crunch best with
- 'Very Good' or even 'Good'.
- The remaining preference switches:
- Data suffix -> Attach '.pp' suffix to data files after crunching or remove
- '.pp' after decrunching. It is advised that you leave this
- switch on so you can easily spot crunched data files.
- Encrypt Data -> See section 1.3.3 of this manual.
- Color Crunch -> Flash the selected decrunch color when crunching, giving
- you an idea what the decrunching will look like (provided
- that you don't change any options just before saving to
- disk).
- LED Crunch -> Your power-LED flashes while crunching, just like the
- screencolors. Now, you can even turn off your monitor and
- still see when the cruncher has finished.
- Multitask -> Switch multitasking off to (sligtly) increase the crunching
- speed.
- Paging -> Pause and wait for mouse button when supervisor window
- fills up.
- Overwrite -> Don't prompt if it's ok to overwrite a file when saving.
- Verify sleep -> When this switch is on you will be prompted if you are sure
- you want PowerPacker to go to sleep.
- Sort files -> Sort files in file requester.
- Use 'Save prefs' to save the preferences to your boot disk. The
- preferences will be saved in the file 's:PowerPacker.prefs', this file will
- be enormous, euh, 6 bytes big. When PowerPacker 2.3b is first started it
- will attempt to load this file and adjust the preferences.
- NOTE: - While crunching, you can press both mousebuttons at the same
- time to abort.
- - Do *NOT* change disks when you are crunching with the multitasking
- switched off !!! The Amiga will crash !!!
- 1.3.3 Crypt
- When the 'Encrypt Data' switch is on PowerPacker will not only crunch
- data files, it will also encrypt them so nobody else but you can decrunch
- them. Just before crunching a data file PowerPacker will ask you for a
- password. You will be presented with a string gadget with a special feature,
- it won't show you what you are typing ! After entering your password you
- will be asked to enter it again, this is done to verify that you haven't made
- a typing error (unless you make the same error twice :-).
- You can also use the 'Last' gadget to re-enter your last password again,
- or the 'Abort' gadget to abort the encryption and just crunch the file.
- When you try to load a crunched encrypted data file PowerPacker will
- once again prompt you for your password. If you enter the correct one the
- data file will be decrypted and decrunched. If you don't know the password,
- bad luck, there is no way you can decrunch this file !!
- NOTE: - Encryption can currently not be used in a script.
- - Your password can be up to 16 characters long, any character is
- accepted, lowercase and uppercase are DIFFERENT !!!!
- - Take care when using the 'Last' gadget, be sure to know what your
- last password was.
- - Don't forget your password !! It is *IMPOSSIBLE* to decrypt a file
- without the password !!!!!
- 2. Recrunch
- -----------
- 2.1 How ?
- This menu is provided for the people who were using another cruncher or
- an older version of PowerPacker. Just select 'Recrunch File' or 'Decrunch
- Only' and load the file. PowerPacker will start the correct decrunch
- algorithm. If you selected 'Recrunch' PowerPacker will start to crunch the
- decrunched file. If PowerPacker doesn't recognize the cruncher it will say
- so, no harm is done. If you select 'Recrunch Always' PowerPacker will always
- recrunch, even if the file was crunched with this version of PowerPacker.
- Useful for recrunching files using a higher efficiency. (e.g. recrunch a
- 'Fast' crunched file with 'Best')
- Use the 'Change Color' item to change the decrunch color in an already
- crunched file to the current decrunch color. Please note that the file will
- be changed on disk, nothing will be loaded into memory.
- Crunchers currently supported are: 'ANC Cruncher', 'TNM Cruncher 1.1',
- 'Relokit 1.0', 'HQC Cruncher 2.0', 'MasterCruncher 3.0', 'DragPack 1.0' and
- older PowerPacker files. If you'd like to see other crunchers supported,
- send me the cruncher and some programs crunched with it. (Together with a
- contribution I hope). If it is possible to develop a decrunch algorithm I
- will include it in the next version of PowerPacker.
- 2.2 Why ?
- PowerPacker always crunches better than the 'ANC Cruncher', 'TNM
- Cruncher' and 'HQC Cruncher'. It crunches better than 'Relokit' most of the
- time, but even if it doesn't, I advise you to recrunch because 'Relokit' has
- some serious disadvantages (e.g. while the decrunched file is running, the
- crunched version still eats memory). In contrast PowerPacker only eats about
- 530 bytes while your file is running, and (of course) frees it afterwards.
- NOTE: - If you want to recrunch a PowerPacker 1.1 or 2.0 crunched file,
- PowerPacker just replaces the file header with the improved and
- debugged 2.1+ header. (Unless you've selected 'Recrunch Always')
- - The recrunch menu only supports command files ! You can't recrunch
- data files from e.g. PowerPacker 1.1, sorry.
- - 'Decrunch Only' is not 100% guaranteed for 'Relokit 1.0' files,
- 'Recrunch' however is 100% ok ! (It's a strange world ! :-)
- - Several people sent me 'dirty' crunchers, these are crunchers that
- use absolute addresses (an absolute TABOO !!!). It is impossible
- to develop a decrunch algorithm for these. (In fact, nothing should
- have been crunched with these crunchers in the first place !)
- 3. The Hunklab
- --------------
- 3.1 Preferences
- This menu is not really part of the PowerPacker crunch/decrunch routines
- but it wasn't worth writing a separate program for and a HunkLab is after all
- a very interesting utility. You can e.g. use it to remove symbol and debug
- hunks from files that wouldn't crunch otherwise.
- You can force a program's code, data or BSS (uninitialised data) into
- chip ram or you can remove symbol tables and debug information just by
- toggling the marker on/off. So in future, when you want your programs to be
- able to run on a one megabyte system, a simple click on the mousebutton will
- do.
- 3.2 Process file
- 'Process file' reads the file from disk and changes it according to your
- preferences. To save the processed file, use 'Save' from the Project menu.
- 'Process & Crunch' will process the file and crunch the file afterwards
- (if possible). To save use 'Save' in the Project menu.
- NOTE: - Debug and symbol hunks are only used in debuggers, so you can safely
- remove them from a program. (Unless you want to debug the program.)
- 4. The Script Menu
- ------------------
- The script is something that will save you a lot of time, it allows you
- to record 80 different commands to be executed after each other. It is ideal
- for crunching a lot of files overnight. Menu options are:
- 'Clear Script' and 'List Script':
- will do just that.
- 'Script Log File':
- is used to specify a file to redirect output to. If you cancel
- the requester no log file is used.
- 'Destination Dir':
- is used to specify the directory to save to. It is ghosted in
- normal use.
- 'Start Recording':
- is used to start the recording of the script. If the script was
- empty you will be asked for the destination directory.
- After selecting the destination you can start entering the
- script commands. Everything that is ghosted is not available as a
- command. Just enter everything as if you were actually using
- PowerPacker. When you e.g. choose 'Load' PowerPacker will ask a
- list of files to be (de)crunched. Press 'CANCEL' to exit the
- entry.
- NOTE: - You can still change the source and destination dir while
- recording.
- Every command you enter will be displayed in the supervisor window.
- 'Stop Recording':
- is used to exit the recording mode.
- 'Delete Last':
- will delete the last command after a confirmation.
- 'Execute Script':
- will start the playback of the script commands. You will be asked
- if you want files that are already crunched with PowerPacker to be
- skipped. This way you can select all the files in a directory
- without worrying about crunched files being decrunched.
- If you press the menu button a requester will appear to ask you
- if you want to abort the script execution. After executing the
- script a request to clear the script will appear.
- NOTE: - It is advisable to let the filerequester buffer fill before you
- start selecting files. It is also better not to change the source
- directory too often.
- - The screen turns grey to indicate a script is executing.
- - While executing a script, PowerPacker will always act destructive !
- Files will allways be overwritten and deleted !!!
- 5. The Supervisor Window
- ------------------------
- This window displays all kind of useful information like the file
- status, crunch messages, and error messages. You can follow all steps, from
- the original file that is loaded into memory, to the final crunched version
- on disk. When an executable file is loaded, its hunk information is
- displayed. This information is rather technical, but it can be useful for
- programmers. If you're not interested, just ignore it.
- I think it might be useful to give a list of possible error messages:
- (De)crunch : Buffer overflow !
- (Crunched file is getting longer than original file)
- Crunch aborted !
- (Crunching stopped by user or by buffer overflow)
- No memory for decrunch buffer !
- Out of memory !
- (Buy some more, try selling your WorkBench :-)
- Sorry, can't crunch !
- (This is a polite program)
- Can't find hunk_header.
- Hunk not allowed in load file!
- Unknown Hunk !
- (Not a command file)
- Hunk not supported (yet ?) !
- (If it's a symbol or debug hunk, try removing it in HunkLab)
- Nothing to save !
- (Buffer is empty)
- Save Aborted !
- Error reading file !
- Can't open file !
- Error writing data header !
- Error writing buffer !
- File not found !
- Couldn't delete file !
- Can't open file !
- (Disk errors)
- Recrunch : No need to recrunch 'PowerPacker 1.1' command file,
- Replacing 1.1 decrunch header with 2.3 header...
- (2.1+ header is shorter and bugfree, 1.1 isn't !!)
- No need to recrunch 'PowerPacker 2.0' command file,
- Replacing 2.0 decrunch header with 2.3 header...
- (There was still a small bug in 2.0 header, so replace it.)
- Not crunched with one of the supported crunchers !!
- (Or file isn't crunched at all !)
- Sorry, can't recrunch !
- (Please don't sue me :-)
- Process : Sorry, can't process file !
- (File is probably not a command file)
- Can't crunch file !
- (File contains unsupported hunks)
- Script : Script buffer full !! Please stop recording.
- (Script is limited to 80 commands, select 'Stop Recording')
- 6. A Sample Session
- -------------------
- Now that I have explained PowerPacker's capabilities, it's time for
- a little demonstation. Let's say we want to crunch the 'CLI' command in the
- System directory on your Workbench 1.2 disk.
- Select 'Pointer' in the Prefs/Decrunch Color menu (When I wrote this
- text, it was very late and I couldn't stand the other decrunch colors
- anymore !)
- Set 'Prefs' to 'Command file'. Now select 'Load' in the Project menu
- (the file requester will appear), insert your WorkBench 1.2 disk and choose
- the 'CLI' command in the system directory. Now you'll see a lot of hunk
- (or junk ?? :-) information about the CLI command:
- Scanning file 'df0:System/CLI'...
- Loading command file...
- Hunk_header (0x03F3)
- 9 hunks (0 to 8).
- Hunk 0 : Hunk_code (0x03E9) (524 bytes)
- Hunk_reloc32 (0x03EC)
- Hunk 1 : Hunk_data (0x03EA) (428 bytes, 0 BSS)
- Hunk 2 : Hunk_code (0x03E9) (472 bytes)
- Hunk_reloc32 (0x03EC)
- Hunk 3 : Hunk_data (0x03EA) (52 bytes, 0 BSS)
- Hunk 4 : Hunk_code (0x03E9) (16 bytes)
- Hunk 5 : Hunk_code (0x03E9) (0 bytes)
- Hunk 6 : Hunk_code (0x03E9) (196 bytes)
- Hunk_reloc32 (0x03EC)
- Hunk 7 : Hunk_code (0x03E9) (68 bytes)
- Hunk_reloc32 (0x03EC)
- Hunk 8 : Hunk_data (0x03EA) (0 bytes, 0 BSS)
- Crunching command file...
- Press left and right button to abort.
- Crunching, please wait.
- The cruncher displays the percentage of the file already crunched and
- the gain so far. After some time your screen will look like this:
- 100% crunched.
- Done.
- Original length : 2356 bytes.
- Crunched length : 1204 (1776) bytes.
- Gained 49% (1152 bytes) !
- The only thing you have to do now is save this back to disk as an
- executable file. Now enjoy the crunched CLI command.
- 7. PowerPacker 2.3b & the CLI
- -----------------------------
- For your convenience, I have also written two CLI commands, one to
- crunch and one to decrunch data files.
- From version 2.3 onwards the CLI commands use the magnificent ARP
- library !!! This means they have been greatly enhanced: wildcards are fully
- supported, options can be entered in any order, directories will be created
- when needed, etc... Make sure the arp.library is in your LIBS: directory
- when you run these commands.
- A usage line is given by typing 'Crunch' or 'Decrunch' without
- arguments. You'll get something like this:
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- 1> Crunch
- POWER-PACKER 2.3a Data Cruncher.
- Written by Nico Franτois (POWER PEAK)
- Usage : Crunch <source> <destination> [EFFICIENCY 1-5] [COLOR 0-4] [CRYPT]
- With:
- EFFICIENCY: 1 = Fast, 2 = Mediocre, 3 = Good (def), 4 = Very Good, 5 = Best
- COLOR : 0/1 = Color 0/1, 2 = Pointer (def), 3 = Scroll, 4 = None
- CRYPT : Encrypt file.
- NOSUFFIX : Don't attach '.pp' suffix to filename.
- NOPER : Don't print percentage.
- NOLED : Disable led crunch.
- Hit ^C to abort, ^D to abort crunching only.
- 1> Decrunch
- POWER-PACKER 2.3a Data Decruncher.
- Written by Nico Franτois (POWER PEAK)
- Usage : Decrunch <source> <destination> [COLOR 0-4] [OPT B|F] [SKIP] [QUIET]
- With:
- COLOR: 0/1 = Color 0/1, 2 = Pointer (def), 3 = Scroll, 4 = None
- SKIP : Skip uncrunched files.
- QUIET: Be quiet.
- If <destination> is '*' or is omited, files will be typed to Output().
- Options effective when typing:
- OPT B will print a banner before and
- OPT F will print a formfeed after each file.
- Hit ^C to abort, ^D to abort typing only.
- 1>
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- These commands are useful to be included in your startup-sequence or to
- read crunched text files quickly.
- Some examples:
- Crunch df0:source/*.c TO ram:source COL 4 NOLED
- This will result in a crunching of every C program in the df0:source
- directory. If the ram:source directory exists the files will be saved there,
- if it doesn't it will be created if there is more than one C program in
- df0:source. The '.pp' suffix will be attached to the filenames. The led
- will not flicker, no crunch color is used.
- Decrunch >PRT: QUIET dh0:progs/*.asm.pp OPT BF COL 3
- Every crunched assembler program will be decrunched and printed, before
- each file a banner will be printed, each file will start on a new page. If
- the file is encrypted you will be prompted for a password. It is very
- important that you use the QUIET option here, if you don't the copyright and
- information lines will also be printed. The mouse pointer will flash while
- decrunching.
- NOTE: - These commands only (de)crunch DATA files !!!! (So to (de)crunch
- executable files, you'll still have to use PowerPacker 2.3b).
- 8. PowerPacker 2.3b & other programs
- ------------------------------------
- 8.1 Introduction
- This one is for the programmers among you !
- From release 2.3 onwards the decrunch source is included. I decided to
- do this so other programs could load data files crunched with PowerPacker.
- As an example I could refer to one of my other utilities : PPMore, this is a
- text viewing utility (like more, hence the name) that can also display ASCII
- files crunched with PowerPacker.
- Source is presented as a support function 'PP_LoadData', this function
- will load a data file and will decrunch it if necessary. When the file isn't
- crunched it'll just be loaded. Encrypted files are also supported.
- The source was written for Aztec C 3.6a. If you want to compile it with
- Lattice you will have to seperate C and assembler, compile/assemble them
- separatly and link them together. You can use this code for non-commercial
- programs as long as you leave my copyright notice intact.
- 8.2 The function
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- error = PP_LoadData (file, color, typeofmem, buffptr, lengthptr, password);
- with:
- char *file; filename of file to be loaded
- UBYTE color; decrunch color (see ppdata.h)
- ULONG typeofmem; type of memory to be allocated
- UBYTE **buffptr; address of buffer pointer variable
- ULONG *lengthptr; address of length variable
- char *password; pointer to password string or NULL
- Note:
- - error and color codes are defined in <ppdata.h>.
- - memory must be freed by caller after usage : FreeMem (buff, length);
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- You have the following decrunch colors available:
- DECR_COL0 Decrunch in color 0
- DECR_COL1 '' '' color 1
- DECR_POINTER '' '' the mouse pointer
- DECR_SCROLL '' '' the scroll register
- DECR_NONE No decrunch color is used
- The following errors can occure:
- PP_LOADOK No error, file loaded succesfully.
- PP_LOCKERR Couldn't lock file, file probably doesn't exist.
- PP_OPENERR Couldn't open file.
- PP_READERR Read error.
- PP_NOMEMORY No memory to allocate buffer for data file.
- PP_CRYPTED File is crypted and no password was provided.
- PP_PASSERR File is crypted and wrong password provided.
- 8.3 Loading encrypted files
- To load encrypted files a password has to be provided to the function.
- First of all try to load the file with a NULL pointer for 'password', when
- you get the PP_CRYPTED error you know that the file is encrypted. Then
- prompt the user for a password and call the function again with the same
- parameters, but now 'password' points to the password string. If PP_LoadData
- returns PP_LOADOK the file was decrypted, if it returns PP_PASSERR the
- password was incorrect. If it returns anything else some sort of error
- occured (see <ppdata.h> for the error codes).
- 8.4 Compiling and linking
- - If you use Aztec C you have one module to compile : ppdata.c
- cc [options] ppdata.c
- Use the same options you use in the other modules of your program.
- Compile the other modules of your program and link everything together:
- ln +q main.o ... ppdata.o -lc -o myprog
- - If you use Lattice C you will have to seperate the C source from the
- assembler source and compile/assemble them seperatly. You will then get two
- object files. When you then link everything together be sure to link with
- both these object files. (I haven't tried it, but it should work)
- 8.5 An example
- This small (incomplete) program shows you how to use the support
- function in your programs.
- /*********
- * test.c *
- *********/
- #include <exec/types.h>
- ...
- #include <ppdata.h>
- UBYTE *buffer = NULL;
- ULONG bufferlength;
- UBYTE password[17];
- main()
- {
- int error;
- error = PP_LoadData ("df0:doc/Packer.doc.pp", DECR_POINTER, MEMF_PUBLIC,
- &buffer, &bufferlength, NULL); /* Don't forget the '&' !!!!! */
- if (error != PP_LOADOK) switch (error) {
- case PP_LOCKERR:
- puts ("file not found !!!");
- FreeStuffAndExit();
- case PP_LOADERR:
- puts ("loading error !!!");
- FreeStuffAndExit();
- puts ("out of memory !!!");
- FreeStuffAndExit();
- ...
- case PP_CRYPTED:
- /* prompt the user for a password (max 16 chars) */
- ...
- error = PP_LoadData ("df0:docs/Packer.doc.pp", DECR_POINTER,
- MEMF_PUBLIC, &buffer, &bufferlength, password);
- if (error == PP_PASSERR) {
- puts ("incorrect password !!!");
- FreeStuffAndExit();
- }
- else if (error != PP_LOADOK) {
- puts ("correct password, but couldn't load !!!");
- FreeStuffAndExit();
- }
- break;
- }
- /* now do something with the data file loaded at addr 'buffer' and with
- length 'bufferlength' */
- ...
- FreeMem (buffer, bufferlength);
- }
- FreeStuffAndExit()
- {
- /* free all your resources */
- ...
- exit (0);
- }
- Enjoy this program !!!
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 1.0a
- First release.
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 1.1a
- Fixed bugs.
- Improved crunch algorithm by about 5%.
- 'Delete' and 'Multitask' added.
- Better menu structure.
- Improved the file requester.
- Written CLI commands.
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 2.0a
- Fixed some more bugs.
- Added buffer and automatic device-list to the file requester.
- Added 'LED Crunch', useful for turning the monitor off while crunching,
- and 'Paging'.
- New header, bug fixed. (1.1 didn't free mem when started from WorkBench)
- Added the hunklab.
- Improved CLI commands.
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 2.1a
- Fixed last bug in header (2.0 crashed when you were out of memory, oops)
- Added script feature, now possible to crunch files overnight.
- Improved requesters.
- Automatic crunch/decrunch.
- Improved menu structure considerably.
- Intelligent recrunch implemented.
- Automatic crunch/decrunch.
- Added 'Color Crunch' option.
- New efficiency 'Best' added.
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 2.1b
- Bug fixed in script abort.
- Added ability to open a log file during script execution.
- Now possible to recrunch PowerPacker files with a higher efficiency.
- Recrunch detects unsupported crunchers a lot faster.
- PowerPacker now automatically opens a PAL/NTSC screen.
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 2.2a
- All known bugs (or better, undocumented features) fixed.
- 'Sleep' mode implemented, useful for multitasking freaks.
- While crunching the gain percentage so far is displayed.
- Recrunch now supports 'HQC Cruncher 2.0', 'MasterCruncher 3.0'
- and 'Dragpack 1.0'.
- New graphics in title.
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 2.3a
- PowerPacker detaches itself from the CLI, so the CLI window can be
- closed or used for other things.
- CLI commands are greatly enhanced, they now use ARP.
- New switch : 'Overwrite' to surpress 'OK to overwrite ?' request.
- File requester now able to sort files, 'Sort files' switch.
- By popular demand: encryption of data files is now possible using the
- new 'Encrypt Data' switch. Encryption should be IMPOSSIBLE to crack !!
- Also by popular demand: Now possible to save preferences to boot disk.
- More memory efficient decrunch and recrunch of PowerPacker files.
- Decrunch source included, so other programs could be written that
- would load data files crunched with PowerPacker.
- 'Data Suffix' switch to improve adding/removing of '.pp' suffix.
- Decrunch color default 'Pointer'.
- Improved scanning of files when loading or recrunching.
- Fixed small bug (version 2.2a lost 256 bytes every time it was run).
- More info in about window.
- *****************************************************************************
- VERSION 2.3b
- Added 'Change Color' in 'Recrunch' menu to change the decrunch color
- of an already crunched file.
- PowerPacker now starts up a process with priority -1. It now no longer
- slows down the rest of the system (e.g. a CLI) when crunching.
- New 'Verify sleep' switch to toggle the requester that verifies the
- sleep function on/off.
- Now possible to skip files already crunched with PowerPacker in script.
- Bug fixed in 'Recrunch', ANC files were no longer recognized. Oops :-)
- *****************************************************************************
- P.S. This text file crunches to 43% of it's original length. (Gains 57% !)
- PowerPacker 2.3b written by Nico Franτois (Yes, Nico is my first name :-)
- Special thanks go to - Luc Pauwels for the icons and writing the 2.0a manual,
- - Jorrit Tybergein for the extensive debugging,
- - everybody who mailed me suggestions or remarks.
- (c) 1989 Nico Franτois / Power Peak
- //
- Thanks to \X/ Amiga for being the best computer ever !